Sierra Leone News

Sierra Leone concludes First Round of a Nationwide Polio Vaccination

The Sierra Leone Ministry of Health and National Public Health Agency with support of WHO and other partners including UNICEF, Rotary International, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance have completed the first round of a nation-wide vaccination campaign to control the spread of vaccine-derived type 2 poliovirus (cVDPV2) in Sierra Leone.

Sierra Leone Confirms New Cases of Polio Variant, Implements Comprehensive Response ...

Sierra Leone has confirmed its first case of poliovirus variant type 3 in Kambia District, and a variant of poliovirus type 2 has been detected in sewage near Mabella Sawmill Bridge in the Western Area Urban District. This outbreak has prompted immediate response from local health authorities, in collaboration with WHO and other partners, to contain the virus and prevent further spread.

Sierra Leone's Nationwide ITN Distribution Campaign Successfully Launched

Following a successful pilot phase of the insecticide-treated nets (ITN) mass distribution campaign in Bo District in 2023, the Ministry of Health (MoH) of Sierra Leone, with support from WHO and other partners, initiated a nationwide rollout of ITNs in the remaining 15 districts. This campaign aimed to combat malaria and improve health outcomes across the country.

Mozambique Ministry of Health Delegation Visits Sierra Leone for Public Health Learn...

A delegation from the Mozambique Ministry of Health, led by National Director of Public Health Dr. Quinhas Francisco Fernandes, visited Sierra Leone from March 25th to 29th for a South-to-South learning and experience sharing facilitated by the WHO Country Office. The visit focused on learning from Sierra Leone's experiences in emergency management, preparedness, and response.

Strengthening Border Health Measures: Sierra Leone's Commitment to the International...

In March 2024, Sierra Leone's National Points of Entry, and border health, with technical support from WHO, conducted a seven-day supervision initiative in nineteen points of entry across eight border districts including the airport. The objective was to identify immediate gaps and offer recommendations for swift resolution. While routine capabilities have been developed for main points of entry and 38 border crossings over the years, attention is now directed towards the remaining 298 crossing points requiring effective operations. Critical capacities established, include the availability of port health staff for traveler screening and establishing linkages between points of entry and nearby health facilities for swift referrals, essential for ensuring a quick and safe response.

Sierra Leone Introduces Malaria Vaccine

On World Malaria Day, Sierra Leone officially launches the introduction and rollout of 550 000 RTS’S WHO vaccine procured by UNICEF with funding from GAVI, becoming the third country in 2024 to introduce this campaign after Cameroon and Burkina Faso.